When you experience neck or back pain from a fall, a car accident, or any trauma that requires immediate medical attention, a trip to the emergency room may be necessary. However, if your injury does not warrant an ER visit, then where should you go? Nashville Neck & Back should be your go to office for injuries sustained from car accidents, work related injuries, and traumas.

Any time the body goes through trauma, there may be injuries that aren’t immediately felt. Whiplash, for example, can occur at very low speed collisions. It may take weeks or months for major symptoms of whiplash and other injuries to show up. The ligaments supporting the neck in particular can experience a form of tearing during an accident. Even minor accidents can cause a serious injury.

At Nashville Neck and Back we know that neck pain and back pain need immediate medical attention. We strive to work with your insurance company to begin treatment as soon as possible. We have a trained staff to help review records, complete paperwork, and begin your care. Time is an important factor when dealing with neck and back pain especially during an emergency. The process of finding the right therapy can be physically and emotionally difficult – but treating your injuries doesn’t have to be.

Making an appointment with Nashville Neck & Back is one the first calls you should make. Not everyone knows how to assess and treat injuries from auto accidents. Nashville Neck & Back’s chiropractic care specializes in many common car accident injuries and falls that result in problems ranging from back pain to whiplash, as well as stiffness and muscle pain.

We start with either taking or reviewing your x-rays and medical records. Dr. Andy Roberts will also check for any whiplash related symptoms such as headaches, pain on the arm or shoulder, and vision issues. Dr. Roberts is credentialed in MRI interpretation as well. He will go over all of your X-ray and MRI images with you and explain all of the findings.

It’s important to treat these types of injuries and pain right away – even with no immediate complaints, symptoms can develop months later. Dr. Roberts will perform a specific evaluation to help develop a treatment plan just for you. Chiropractic care is safe and can help you recover and heal faster.

Give Nashville Neck & Back a call today and start healing!
